Saturday, September 6, 2014

Filing a Lawsuit After the Statute of Limitations has Run

orange county personal injury attorney
Personal Injury Lawsuit

Under California law, you only have a specific amount of time after you suffered some type of harm to file a lawsuit. This is known as the statute of limitations. While different types of cases have different deadlines, most personal injury cases have a two to six year deadline after the date of injury.

Generally, once this time frame has expired or the statute of limitations has run, you will not be able to file a personal injury lawsuit, unless an exception applies.

Exceptions to the Rule

There are a few exceptions to filing a lawsuit after the statute has run. Some of these exceptions are discussed below:

Injured Minors

If the plaintiff was a minor at the time of injury, most states, including California, allow the individual to reach the age of 18 before the clock starts running. For example, if you were injured in a car accident at the age of 12, you have until your 20th birthday to file a lawsuit.

Discovery Rule

The “discovery rule” also extends the statute of limitations, inasmuch as the clock does not start running until the injured person has reasonably figured out that they were injured. For example, an individual who is exposed to asbestos may not suffer an asbestos-caused illness, such as mesothelioma, until decades after exposure to the materials that contained asbestos. This type of “extension” generally applies to cases involving exposure to dangerous or toxic chemicals.

Mental Disability or Incompetence

If the plaintiff was deemed mentally incompetent at the time of the incident or because of the wrongful conduct that caused the injuries, the statute of limitations is suspended for as long as the mental incompetence continues. It should be noted that this statute of limitations exception generally does not apply to government claims.

Call Us Today!

For more information or to schedule a complimentary consultation with an experienced Orange County personal injury lawyer, please call the Law Offices of Samer Habbas at 1-888-848-5048.