Thursday, November 13, 2014

4 Important Factors of a Successful Deposition

Personal injury lawyers in Orange County informed you that opposing counsel has set your deposition. You know that cases are often won and lost at deposition. You want to give the best deposition possible. You can if you are prepared and attend your deposition knowing exactly what will happen and how it will happen.

Below are four factors that are important for a successful deposition:

The defense counsel is not your friend. The best tactic that an opposing counsel will use during a deposition is to be as nice as possible to you. The reasoning behind this approach is to get you to feel comfortable and to get you to provide information that you would not have otherwise provided. Although you should be nice and cordial, you should remember that the deposing counsel is not your friend and you are not having a conversation with him or her.

Never guess. The worst thing you can do at your deposition is to guess. If you are asked a question that you don’t know the answer to, it is best to simply say “I don’t know.” If you are specifically asked to guess or estimate something, your answer should include that you are “not 100% sure” and that you are “estimating” about the fact asked.

Be prepared. Your attorney will meet with you prior to your deposition to prepare you for the big day. Some documents your attorney may go over with you include the Complaint, your interrogatory answers, and the accident report, if there was one.

Do not lie. The worst mistake you can make is to lie. Regardless of how foolproof or elaborate, you may think your life is, the odds of you actually getting caught in it are higher than you think. Lying during a deposition, while under oath, can be detrimental to the outcome of your lawsuit.
Personal injury Lawyer Can Help You !

For more information or to schedule a complimentary consultation with an experienced personal injury lawyers in California, Orange County. please visit to The Law Offices of Samer Habbas.

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