Friday, January 31, 2014

How To Detect the Subtle Signs of a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injury can be a possible side effect of any injury to the head. However, detecting the signs and symptoms of a mild traumatic brain injury is not easy. If you or someone you love was injured in an accident that involved some type of blow to the head, your Los Angeles brain injury attorney will want you to keep an eye out for certain symptoms that could indicate a mild traumatic brain injury.

The Symptoms of a “Mild” Traumatic Brain Injury

The term “mild” is a misnomer when it refers to brain injuries. Any injury to the brain can be serious, regardless of whether it is termed “mild” or not. If you are suffering from any of the following symptoms after an accident, you should immediately seek medical attention:

-          Severe or unusual headaches
-          Dizziness or state of confusion
-          Short-term loss of memory
-          Inability to multi-task
-          Unusual emotional reactions to routine practices or daily tasks

Typically, your Los Angele brain injury lawyer may be the first person to detect these subtle signs during the initial client interview. If your attorney suspects any signs of brain injury, he can refer you to specialists to get the medical treatment you need and deserve.

Call Us Today

If you or a loved one was injured in an accident that involved any trauma to your head, the experienced Los Angeles brain injury lawyers at the Law Offices Samer Habbas can get you the just compensation that you deserve. For more information or to schedule a complimentary consultation, call us at (888)-848-5084.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Common Types of Damages Available in Motorcycle Accident Cases

Types Of Motorcycle Damage

With the rise in gas prices and parking rates, motorcycles have become a popular mode of transportation for Californians. However, with the increasing number of motorcycles on the road, we have also seen a significant rise in the number of accidents.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident, it is imperative that you immediately seek the assistance of an experienced San Bernardino motorcycle accident attorney to help you get the full compensation that you deserve.

Motorcycle Accident Can Result in Serious Injuries

Any type of vehicle-related accident can result in serious injuries to the victims. However, motorcycle-related injuries are often much more severe than any other type of vehicle-related injury because of the inherently unsafe nature of the bike. Motorcycles do not have airbags, seatbelts, or the metal encasings that cars do. As such, there is little to keep the rider safe when involved in an accident.

Some of the common types of injuries victims of motorcycle accidents often sustain are:

-          Road rash or abrasion
-          Head injuries, including traumatic brain injuries
-          Broken and fractured bones
-          Spinal cord injuries, which often result in permanent injury and paralysis
-          Mental and emotional suffering

With the help of your San Bernardino motorcycle accident attorney, you can be confident that you will get the monetary damages that you deserve for the specific injuries that you have suffered.

Injured on Your Motorcycle? Call Us!

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a motorcycle accident due to the negligent or careless actions of another party, you may be entitled to monetary compensation. For more information or to schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our experienced San Bernardino motorcycle accident attorneys, call the Law Offices of Samer Habbas at 1-888-848-5084.