Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Successful Deposition Depends On the Right Preparation

One of the major discovery tools used in anticipation of trial is a deposition. A deposition is testimony of a witness taken orally under oath and recorded by a court reporter or a tape recorder. For most individuals, a deposition is an intimidating process because they are being recorded and are under pressure to answer detailed and intimate questions under oath. To make a deposition a less frightening experience, it is important that you are adequately prepared to answer any questions regarding any topic relating to your accident.

With the help of your Orange County personal injury attorney, you can be prepared to confidently answer any questions the deposing lawyer may ask. The bottom line is that the more prepared you are, the less intimidated you will be at your deposition.

Important Tips for a Successful Deposition

Below are five important tips that your attorney will want you to keep in mind in preparing for your deposition:

 You need to know the detailed facts of your case. In order to properly answer the questions asked at your deposition, you need to be intimately familiar with the specific facts of your case. Your Orange County personal injury attorney will go over the facts surrounding your accident, your medical treatment, and all other aspects of your case before your deposition.
2.      Never offer or volunteer additional information. Your attorney will advise you to only answer the questions asked. You should not offer additional information or a more detailed answer than necessary.
3.      Listen to the question before answering it. If you do not understand what is being asked of you, you cannot properly answer the question. Therefore, your lawyer will advise you to listen to what the deposing attorney is asking before attempting to answer the question.
4.      Ask for further clarification if necessary. If after listening to the question you still do not understand what is being asked of you, you should ask for further clarification from either the deposing attorney or your own Orange County personal injury attorney.
5.      Be polite to the deposing attorney. The deposing attorney will do their very their question in the manner they want. Regardless of what tactic the opposing attorney is using, you should remain polite and courteous to prevent additional problems and further invoking the attorney.
best to confuse you into answering

Let Us Help You

For more information about preparing for a deposition or to schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our experienced Orange Countypersonal injury attorneys, please call the Law Offices of Samer Habbas at (888) 848-5084. We are dedicated to helping you get the full compensation that you deserve for the injuries you have suffered.

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